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The Victorian Foster Carer Charter (the charter) helps foster carers understand their rights and responsibilities and helps those who work with foster carers to understand their responsibilities to provide support. The charter is included in Chapter one of the Victorian Handbook for Foster Carers.

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The Victorian Handbook for Foster Carers is the primary resource available to foster carers in Victoria. It clarifies the role of a carer, and the roles of others working with children and young people involved with child protection in Victoria. The handbook also contains useful information and tools to help carers support the children and young people in their care.

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We want to empower carers of Aboriginal children to ensure they remain connected to their culture and families, and to provide a care environment that feels culturally safe. Below are some resources that may be useful in helping to meet this responsibility:

VACCA Cultural Hub

A library of resources and activities that celebrate Aboriginal/First Nations culture and knowledge curated by VACCA for Aboriginal children and their carers. Developed by VACCA.

Deadly Story

Deadly Story is a cultural resource to support Aboriginal children in out-of-home care to stay connected to their culture and grow into their understanding of who they are. Deadly Story is the result of a partnership between VACCA, SNAICC, The Koorie Heritage Trust, The Federation of Victorian Traditional Owners Corporation and Brightlabs, in conjunction with the Department of Health & Human Services.

Cultural awareness Training

Aboriginal Cultural Awareness training is essential to have an awareness and understanding of the connection to culture that Aboriginal children have a right to maintain. See Carer Kafe for Cultural training opportunities.

This reference guide was created to help foster and kinship carers quickly locate information regarding common questions that may arise during their experience caring for children and young people in out-of-home care.

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Provides a clear and simple set of statements of the rights that children and young people can expect to be upheld throughout their time in care as well as explanatory notes about these rights.

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Client Incident Management System (CIMS) focuses on the safety and wellbeing of clients and outlines what needs to happen when an incident occurs that alleges abuse, unexplained injury or poor-quality care that has a direct impact on a child or young person in home-based care. This guide describes each of the actions and responsibilities of the service providers and the department during the management of a client incident.

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A Partnering Agreement between the Department of Human Services Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Independent Schools Victoria.

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The guide outlines the range of Victorian and Commonwealth Government support available to assist carers in meeting the needs of children and young people in their care.

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An 11-part podcast series that provides additional information and insights on a range of topics to help foster, permanent and kinship carers in their important role.

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The Victorian Government response to the findings and recommendation of the inquiry into the implementation of the Children, Youth and Families Amendment (Permanent Care and Other Matters) Act 2014.

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The Foster Care Association of Victoria (FCAV) conducts an annual review of foster carer households in Victoria to keep track on trends of foster carers entering, remaining, and exiting the system.

See Publications and Research for latest Snapshot.

Victoria’s foster carers play a vital role in our community, opening their hearts and homes to children and young people in need of a safe and nurturing environment. This handbook contains important information to help them carry out their essential role.

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The DFFH Care Support Help Desk staff provide tailored support to Foster and Kinship Carers where there is child protection involvement, and they are caring for children and young people entering care. The team also helps existing Foster and Kinship Carers where there is child protection involvement, to track vital documents for children in care. 

There is a Care Support Helpdesk in each of the four Department of Families Fairness and Housing (DFFH) regions.

What support is available?

The Helpdesk can assist in locating or applying for key documents such as:

  • Medicare details  

  • birth certificates  

  • establishing a link with their My Health Record, where appropriate

  • immunisation records

  • preparing letters to Centrelink to enable carers to access financial supports

  • Additional Child Care Subsidy (ACCS) support letters

The Helpdesk can also assist carers with information about their carers allowance, and to record enrolments with childcare, kindergarten or school on the child’s file.  

Source: https://www.dffh.vic.gov.au/our-structure

Contact details

North Division

Phone: 1800 319 507

Email: NorthCareSupportHelpdesk@dffh.vic.gov.au  

South Division

Phone: 1800 319 503

Email: SouthCareSupportHelpdesk@dffh.vic.gov.au  

East Division

Phone: 1800 931 757

Email: EastCareSupportHelpdesk@dffh.vic.gov.au

West Division

Phone: 1800 319 510

Email: WestCareSupportHelpdesk@dffh.vic.gov.au

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Launched in October 2019, Strong carers, stronger children details Victoria's strategy to better support kinship, foster and permanent carers to drive improved outcomes for children and young people in care.

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The Victorian Carer Card recognises the significant contribution carers make to the lives of people they care for and the communities in which they live.

The card provides discounts and benefits to carers in acknowledgement of this contribution.

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Commonwealth support to formal and informal carers who provide ongoing care for children.

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The Financial support guide for home-based carers outlines the range of Victorian and Commonwealth Government supports that can assist carers in meeting the needs of children and young people in their care.

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LOOKOUT is comprised of four educational support centres, one in each Department of Education and Training region (virtual setting) and staffed by a multidisciplinary team including Early Childhood Learning Advisors, Learning Advisors, Psychologist, Koorie Cultural Advisor, Career Education Advisor, Youth Justice Advisor, and Practise Leads for Child Protection, Youth Justice and Multicultural Communities.

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A free resource developed by AccessAbilityAustralia. Access Keys are customised accessibility guides that provide accurate and convenient information about accessing venues, events and programs.

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Visit Kinship Carers Victoria or call DFFH Care Support Help Desk on 1800 319 507

Visit Permanent Care and Adoptive Families (PCAF); www.pcafamilies.org.au

Becoming a member is easy & rewarding
As an FCAV member you have access to free advocacy, support & information. Your membership is instrumental to our strength, ensuring a better Victorian system for our carers, children & young people.
Registered Charity
Registered Charity
The Foster Care Association of Victoria acknowledges the unceded sovereignty of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation on whose land we live and work. We acknowledge the continued connection to Country including lands cultural knowledges and their peoples and pay respect to Elders past and present. We are the united voice and advocate for all foster carers across Victoria and we aim to continually develop our knowledge and act with respect to First Nations sovereignty.
Registered Charity
The Foster Care Association of Victoria (FCAV) is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission, with ABN 30747010099
Copyright © 2025 Foster Care Association of Victoria