Thanks to the wonderful group of local and Victoria-wide carers who made it to the FCAV Carer Celebration and AGM on Friday 15th September, 2023 for a glorious day together in Wadawurrung country - Ballarat.
As part of #FosterCareWeek2023, the event was opened with a warm Welcome to country by Koby Phillips from Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation.
Koby delivered recognition of carers' #HeartsofGold from a first-hand perspective as his parents were foster carers. He thanked carers in the room on behalf of himself as the child of foster carers, and his foster-brother.
Thank you to guest speaker, the Hon. Lizzie Blandthorn MP, Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers who outlined the valuable place carers' hold in Victoria and the government's commitment to improving the system. She stayed for lunch and heard direct from carers about the challenges and life-changing experiences of welcoming children and young people into your home, heart and life as a carer.
We are very grateful for the time taken by Minister Blandthorn to travel from Melbourne to meet Ballarat and region carers and stay on for number of hours to speak and for the presentation of our Commitment to Supporting Carers Awards.
Minister Blandthorn spoke and listened to a number of carers and takes away first-hand knowledge of the systemic challenges facing carers and their limitless dedication, caring and advocacy for the children and young people in their lives.
A successful AGM was conducted including passing last year's minutes and Annual Report and welcome discourse on proposed updates to the Association Rules which were not passed by the quorum at this point, showcasing the FCAV's healthy, democratic and member-driven origin and legacy. Thank you to the engaged and passionate membership of carers of the FCAV.
Thankyou to all carers throughout the state, for your tireless dedication and care for the children and young people in Victoria.
We were delighted to have the Mackillop Paw Pals Program’s lovely Sarah, Kath & ‘Millie’ who gave out cuddles to the delight of carers, children and staff.