03 9416 4292
May 5th, 2021

Do you know someone who works tirelessly to protect children?   


Nominations are now open for the 2021 Victorian Protecting Children Awards. The awards aim to recognise practitioners, workers, carers and community members who work tirelessly to protect children, young people and families experiencing vulnerability.


Nominations can be made across 14 award categories, including ones that recognise achievements in the child and family services sector and in child protection.  


Foster and kinship carers, academics, policy, program, supervisory and direct service staff from community, government or academic organisations are encouraged to nominate anyone that they believe go above and beyond to ensure the wellbeing of children and young people.


This year an additional category has been introduced to recognise an individual, team or group that goes above and beyond the expectations of their role to assist young people experiencing vulnerability gain access to the support they need. This may be for important life skills, independent living, employment pathways, education-based support, culturally appropriate care, mental health and substance abuse. Anyone in the child and family services sector is eligible to receive this award. 


Due to the 2020 awards not taking place because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you are encouraged to help recognise achievements in child protection over the past 18 months.  Anyone can nominate an individual or team either by completing a written nomination form, or submitting a short video (three minutes maximum).  


More information 

To nominate an individual or team, or to find out more about the awards and what each category recognises, visit Victorian Protecting Children Awards 2021 website  https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/protectingchildrenawards.  


Nominations close on 31 May and winners will be announced at the Victorian Protecting Children Awards during Child Protection Week (5 September – 11 September). 

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Registered Charity
Registered Charity
The Foster Care Association of Victoria acknowledges the unceded sovereignty of the Wurundjeri People of the Kulin Nation on whose land we live and work. We acknowledge the continued connection to Country including lands cultural knowledges and their peoples and pay respect to Elders past and present. We are the united voice and advocate for all foster carers across Victoria and we aim to continually develop our knowledge and act with respect to First Nations sovereignty.
Registered Charity
The Foster Care Association of Victoria (FCAV) is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission, with ABN 30747010099
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