Carers are already volunteering their hearts and homes to provide care to young people who need them and the allowance rate is falling in real value by the month, forcing carers to pay out of pocket on essentials like food, bills and services because they will not let the children in their care go without.
Despite years of advocacy by carers and peak bodies, as well as a KPMG report on the Allowance that the Government has kept cabinet-in-confidence which provides evidence of the shortfall, and a report by Cube Group showing that for every dollar invested in foster carers there is a $4 return to the economy, carers are still bearing a great proportion of the real cost of raising children in the care of the state. This is not a fair ask of volunteers who already give so much to care for children and young people on behalf of the state and the community.
View the rates comparison across other states to see that Victoria has the lowest Care Allowance rate for foster, kinship and permanent care in Australia.
We ask the Government to increase the care allowance to meet parity with the rates in NSW and other neighbouring states and indexation that keeps pace with the cost of living. The Care Allowance has been indexed to around 2% in the last four years, when household inflation has reached over 6% with the consequence that the already low Care Allowance has declined in real value. Victoria is losing good carers, more than any other jurisdiction in Australia see attrition data.
The Care Allowance Campaign has over 3,060 signatures and while there has been high profile media attention on the critical and urgent issue, no commitment has been made to increase the allowance. See overview of media here.
We invite you to add your name and story to this petition to show that we’re not alone in expecting better for carers and the children and young people in their care.
As well as signing the petition below, please use this proforma to contact your local MP to seek their support to carers and the campaign. Adapt this letter as described, adding your own perspective as you see fit, save to your pc, and attach to an email to your local MP - find the email address of your local MP here:
Across the home-based care sector, workers and organisations experience the impact of low care allowance rates both on carer households and the children and young people in care. The Campaign has the support of the below social services organisations, peak bodies, Agencies and ACCOs:
Anchor Community Care Ltd - Anglicare Victoria - Berry Street - Child & Family Services – CAFS Ballarat - Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) - CREATE Foundation - Foster Care Association of Victoria (FCAV) - Lighthouse Foundation - MacKillop Family Services - Mallee Family Care (MFC) - Mallee Accommodation and Support Program (MASP) - Mirabel Foundation – OzChild - Permanent Care and Adoptive Families (PCA Families) - Victorian Aboriginal Child and Community Agency (VACCA) – Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS)
Your submission will be sent to decision makers and we will keep you updated on progress of this action. The Petition will remain open until a commitment is made by the Victorian Government to increase the care allowance.
Submission to this petition will include your name and statements only. No contact or other information will be shared with any other party.
In signing this petition, I agree with the FCAV's Privacy Policy.